Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why my life is so sad?

Arghhhh...I hate sicK!!! I had been sick around 3 weekS!!! I am coughing like hell now...I just hope i can recover soon so i can play futsal with my friends!!! Everyday i wonder which clinic is the best in Subang Jaya. In conclusion, Clinic Soo is the anyone who is sick...please visit Clinic Soo~~

人生真是这样的惨吗?咳嗽都已经三个礼拜了啊!!!谁能救我? 真的是生不如死啊!!可能是相思病吧!都是你们龟来之损友害我的!!!话说回来,你们都没病?真是奇怪!!我病了,你们为何没病!!!真是不公平!!!为何我的人生这样凄惨?

1 comment:



but i oso sick ~~